Stand and Stop! 

Anti Bullying
Anti Racism
Anti Discrimination 

LU Guitang @ Australia 

Or you are next! 


Your support is meaningful! 

Wherever you are, now you can help!

My experience in Australia

I was bullied and victimised following my complaints about racism and organisation breaches.  

In Australia.

Guitang Lu v Community Association DP 270682

Many thanks! 

Anti Bullying
Anti Racism
For Justice
For Fairness

Wherever you are, now you can help! 

What for: Anti Bullying, Anti Racism

Australian values 

In the NCAT proceeding, a complainant about perceived racism and organisational breaches was ordered to pay compensation to the organisation due to his complaint.

I am the victimised complainant, plaintiff. 

We do not believe that reflects Australian values. 

Racism and Bullying

Unfair Election – The as-strata organisation refused a female community member with Chinese background an equal opportunity to compete for its committee election at its 2020AGM.  I raised disagreement but incurred hate.  

Unacceptable Racism – After the 2020AGM I was racially attacked when its executive came to my door and verbally abused me targeting my Asian identity, i.e. my Chinese background, in front of my door, in the street and in the community park. And threatened to take piss-off action. 

Unjust Voting  – The organisation further refused to accept 2 votes from its members with Chinese background, resulting in voting me out of its executive committee.  

Organised revenge
– The organisation took group action to bully me in paying compensation to it for mediation about complaints. 

And more. 

What for? 

My pursuit in the NCAT proceedings was to stop perceived organisational bullying and revenging action following my complaint about racism and organisation breaches.

But the NCAT blamed me due to my complaints and ordered me to pay compensation. 

Then, I go to the Court.

What that means? 

For Strata people

In this matter, I am a minority member living in an as-strata community, perceiving discrimination and bullying around home, and oppressive threats from the majority in the name of “democracy” while strata managers normally follow their will.  

Majority democracy in strata communities must also be bound by rules and law in Australia. No one is privileged to bully or oppress minority members. If they can even bully or oppress a legal practitioner like me, then they can easily do same to other members of the community. NOW LET US SAY NO TO THEM! 

For lawyers 

This is the case where I as a legal practitioner living in the community perceived racism and “piss off” threat from the organisation’s executive, and subsequent organisational action to bully and victimise me following my complaint about racism and breaches. 

Why do they want to drive a legal practitioner out of the community? What do they want to do next ?  If you were the next, what would you do? 

For migrants

If those can bully a migrant lawyer, they can easily do similar to other migrants as well.  


It is time to stop bullying and racism. 

If I do not say no to racism and bullying in this case, then they can do same to others.  

If they can do here, then they can do over there.  

Now I say no to them. I stand to stop them.

I invite you to stand with me. LET US STAND TOGEHTER! 

What you can help ? 

Yes! You can help!

You can donate a miminum to fund my litigation, via GoFundMe below.
You can share this page with your friends, wherever you are.
You can give me pro bono advice, legal or general, fundraising or others.

I appreciate any type of supports from you! 

***[Important Updates: The matter is now at the settlement stage (as of 3 March 2023). All donations will then be transferred to registered charities following settlement. Thank you for your supports!]